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Fargues C., Garnier C., Razazegaram Z., Guiga W. Traitement d’effluents issus de l’industrie des fruits et légumes par osmose inverse à l’échelle semi-industrielle –Dimensionnement. Communication orale au Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, XVIIIe édition, Nov 2022, Toulouse, France.
Garnier C., Guiga W., Lameloise M., Degrand L., Fargues C. (2022) Treatment of cauliflower processing wastewater by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis in view of recycling. Journal of Food Engineering, 317, p110863. ANR-17-CE10-0015
Crouvisier Urion K., Garcia R., Boussard A., Degrand L., Guiga W. (2022) Optimization of pure linoleic acid 13-HPX production by enzymatic reaction pathway: unravelling oxygen transfer role. Chemical Engineering Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2021.132978
Song X., Teuler J.M, Guiga W., Fargues C., Rousseau B. (2022) Molecular simulation of a reverse osmosis polyamide membrane layer. In silico synthesis using different reactant concentration ratios. Journal of Membrane Science, 643, p120010.
Cousquer C., Koscielniak T., Sylla M., Pommet M., Miquelard-Garnier G., Lagarde N., Le Stang L.-A., Khaoulani S., Horellou T., Hauquier F., Havet J.-L., Haustant C., Gomez C., Gervais M., Garcia R., Dewez S., Corsyn N., Chapet C., Caqueret V., Guiga W., Amara Z. Feedback from Teaching and Learning with an Immersive Digital Twin of a Chemistry Lab. Poster présenté à Educause Annual Conference, 25-28 octobre 2022, Denver, USA.